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  • Sold out!

    On Their Way Painting Home Wall Art Decor


    On their way is a beautiful depiction of everyday life.
    Life, is a struggle at times. However, if a couple like the one
    in this painting decide to work through the complexities of life sharing the burden together,
    even the most difficult path can seem easier and lighter.
    Love is a choice, and it’s all about hanging in there.  It is not glamorous and impervious
    to emotional whims and fancies. It is about caring enough.
    Find a way to make it happen, and sure it will.

  • The Majestic Lavender Painting For Home Wall Decor


    Nature can reveal it’s beauty in all places at all times.
    This painting also tries to capture the spirit of the same magic in nature.
    It is a spectacular sight where the abundant wild flowers are in melody with the cool breeze that travel throughout the painting carrying their scent.
    The Nirvana quiet mountains reared in the background add to the majestic feel of the painting.
    A beautiful piece – The Majestic Lavender.